
62 lines
2.7 KiB
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2021-12-31 12:44:26 +01:00
{{- /* Generate the search index. */ -}}
{{- $index := slice -}}
{{- $pages := site.RegularPages -}}
{{- /* Add the index page of docs separately since it's not in RegularPages above. */ -}}
{{- $pages := $pages | union (where (where site.Pages "Kind" "section") "Type" "docs") -}}
{{- /* Add author pages to index so their bios can be searched. Hide empty `/authors/` node. */ -}}
{{- $pages := $pages | union (where (where site.Pages "Section" "authors") "Params.name" "!=" nil) -}}
{{- range $pages -}}
{{- /* Do not index drafts or private pages. */ -}}
{{- if and (not .Draft) (not .Params.private) -}}
{{- /* Generate page description. */ -}}
{{- $desc := "" -}}
{{- if .Params.summary -}}
{{- $desc = .Params.summary -}}
{{- else if .Params.abstract -}}
{{- $desc = .Params.abstract -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $desc = .Summary -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $authors := .Params.authors -}}
{{- $title := .Title}}
{{- $rel_permalink := .RelPermalink -}}
{{- $permalink := .Permalink -}}
{{/* Correct the title and URL for author profile pages. */}}
{{- if eq .Section "authors" -}}
{{- $title = .Params.name -}}
{{- $username := path.Base (path.Split .Path).Dir -}}
{{- with site.GetPage (printf "/authors/%s" $username) -}}
{{- $permalink = .Permalink -}}
{{- $rel_permalink = .RelPermalink -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{/* Include a user's display name rather than username where possible. */}}
{{- if .Params.authors -}}
{{- $authorLen := len .Params.authors -}}
{{- if gt $authorLen 0 -}}
{{- $authors = slice -}}
{{- range $k, $v := .Params.authors -}}
{{- $person_page_path := (printf "/authors/%s" (urlize $v)) -}}
{{- $person_page := site.GetPage $person_page_path -}}
{{- if and $person_page $person_page.File -}}
{{- $person := $person_page.Params -}}
{{- $authors = $authors | append $person.name -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $authors = $authors | append ($v | plainify) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Add page to index. */ -}}
{{- $index = $index | append (dict "objectID" .File.UniqueID "date" .Date.UTC.Unix "publishdate" .PublishDate "lastmod" .Lastmod.UTC.Unix "expirydate" .ExpiryDate.UTC.Unix "lang" .Lang "permalink" $permalink "relpermalink" $rel_permalink "title" $title "summary" (plainify $desc) "content" .Plain "authors" $authors "kind" .Kind "type" .Type "section" .Section "tags" .Params.Tags "categories" .Params.Categories) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $index | jsonify -}}