2022-02-02 16:09:48 +01:00

57 lines
1.7 KiB

{{ $item := . }}
{{ $microdata_type := "CreativeWork" }}
{{ $icon := "fa-file-alt" }}
{{ $show_authors := false }}
{{ $show_buttons := false }}
{{/* Dynamic view adjusts to content type. */}}
{{ if eq $item.Type "post" }}
{{ $microdata_type = "BlogPosting" }}
{{ $icon = "fa-newspaper" }}
{{ else if eq $item.Type "talk" }}
{{ $microdata_type = "Event" }}
{{ $icon = "fa-calendar-alt" }}
{{ else if eq $item.Type "publication" }}
{{ $microdata_type = "ScholarlyArticle" }}
{{ $show_authors = true }}
{{ $show_buttons = true }}
{{ end }}
<div class="view-list-item col-lg-8 mx-auto" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/{{$microdata_type}}">
<i class="far {{$icon}} pub-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a href="{{ $item.RelPermalink }}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="name">{{ $item.Title }}</span></a>
{{ if eq $item.Type "talk" }}
<div class="article-metadata">
<span itemprop="startDate">
{{ $date := $item.Date }}
{{ (time $date).Format site.Params.date_format }}
{{ if not $item.Params.all_day }}
{{ (time $date).Format (site.Params.time_format | default "3:04 PM") }}
{{ with $item.Params.date_end }}
&mdash; {{ (time .).Format (site.Params.time_format | default "3:04 PM") }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $item.Params.location }}
<span class="middot-divider"></span>
<span itemprop="location">{{ . }}</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and $show_authors $item.Params.authors }}
<div class="article-metadata" itemprop="author">
{{ partial "page_metadata_authors" $item }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $show_buttons }}
<div class="btn-links">
{{ partial "page_links" (dict "page" $item "is_list" 1) }}
{{ end }}