#include // change next line to use with another board/shield #include //#include // for WiFi shield //#include // for WiFi 101 shield or MKR1000 #include const char *ssid = ""; const char *password = ""; WiFiUDP ntpUDP; // initialized to a time offset of 10 hours NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP,"pool.ntp.org", 36000, 60000); // HH:MM:SS // timeClient initializes to 10:00:00 if it does not receive an NTP packet // before the 100ms timeout. // without isTimeSet() the LED would be switched on, although the time // was not yet set correctly. // blue LED on ESP-12F const int led = 2; const int hour = 10; const int minute = 0; void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // led is off when pin is high digitalWrite(led, 1); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay (500); Serial.print ("."); } timeClient.begin(); } void loop() { timeClient.update(); Serial.println(timeClient.getFormattedTime()); if(timeClient.isTimeSet()) { if (hour == timeClient.getHours() && minute == timeClient.getMinutes()) { digitalWrite(led, 0); } } delay(1000); }