/** * @file main.h * @brief projet thermo-bibli, Équiper la réserve de l'UB de capteurs de température et hygrométrie autonomes et connectés * @author Bastien Boineau, Lucas Pallaro, Loris Galland * @version 1.0 * @date 28/06/2021 */ #ifndef HEADER_H #define HEADER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TOPIC "test" #define MQTT_ADDRESS "" #define MQTT_PORT 1883 #define ESPNAME "esp32-fablab" #define CLUSTER "grappe3" #define SENSORS_NUMBER 5 #define DHT22 22 //comment for the test part this is the good frequency #define TIME_TO_SLEEP 596 //#define TIME_TO_SLEEP 28 #define US_TO_S_FACTOR 1000000 #define R2 100 #define R3 10 #define VOLTAGE_OUT(Vin) (((Vin)*R3) / (R2 + R3)) #define VOLTAGE_MAX 4200 #define VOLTAGE_MIN 3300 #define ADC_REFERENCE 1100 #define VOLTAGE_TO_ADC(in) ((ADC_REFERENCE * (in)) / 4096) #define BATTERY_MAX_ADC VOLTAGE_TO_ADC(VOLTAGE_OUT(VOLTAGE_MAX)) #define BATTERY_MIN_ADC VOLTAGE_TO_ADC(VOLTAGE_OUT(VOLTAGE_MIN)) // Solder apply on all riders behind the ESP32 for the battery voltage captor #define ADC_PIN 35 #define CONV_FACTOR 1.78 #define READS 20 const long gmtOffset_sec = 3600; void setupMQTT(const char *address, int port); void setupWIFI(const char *wifi_name, const char *password); void reconnect(void); void initSensors(DHT *sensors, int number); void readSensors(DHT sensors[], float temp[], float hum[], int number); void sleep(); std::tuple getDate(); /** * @brief hgfhdjskl * * @param txt testetest * @param temp dqsdzfs * @param hum * @param number vdsvsvsvs */ void writeMsg(char *txt, float *temp, float *hum, int number); //timeClient.getEpochTime().toCharArray(date, 50); = convertir un string en char /* For test the esp32 signal emission without server Working/fixed/updated : mosquitto_sub -h cohabit-capteurs.aquilenet.fr -u capteurs -P Fablab -t test-alex */ #endif