# [Robot Go West](https://projets.cohabit.fr/redmine/projects/communication-racinaire/wiki/Robot_Go-West)
### Introduction
This projet is a part of larger projet [_Communication Racinaire_](https://projets.cohabit.fr/redmine/projects/communication-racinaire/wiki/Wiki#section-8) which aims to drive plante into the direction of the sun.
When a plant received the solar radiation, a **difference of potential** will be created inside the plant. This physical reaction interest us to **measure** it and **interpret** the signal to drive the robot.
On the diagram we can see a "**Pi**" symbole which represents the micro-controller who calculate and drive the robot, who will make the **C sources** work. After many hours of working or test phase the microcontroller create and store data interpretable by the **Python script**.
The scheme represents well the program operation on the raspberry, the diagram is read from left to right.
**The first** represent the stream from vegetalsignal's captor through the USB port. This part block us because we don't have stream for now with the captor then we have create a thread to similate it. The stream send Raw data correspond to the electrique tension generated by the plant.
**The second** part with the thread storeRawData catch the raw data and store it in the memory in several files.(Usable data for python script)
**The third** part is used to gather data files and calculate to have pertinante data (Power or GrowthRate) and store it in file.