/************************************************* * academia * https://github.com/gcushen/hugo-academia * * Core JS functions and initialization. **************************************************/ (function ($) { /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Responsive scrolling for URL hashes. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Dynamically get responsive navigation bar offset. let $navbar = $('.navbar'); let navbar_offset = $navbar.innerHeight(); /** * Responsive hash scrolling. * Check for a URL hash as an anchor. * If it exists on current page, scroll to it responsively. * If `target` argument omitted (e.g. after event), assume it's the window's hash. */ function scrollToAnchor(target) { // If `target` is undefined or HashChangeEvent object, set it to window's hash. target = (typeof target === 'undefined' || typeof target === 'object') ? window.location.hash : target; // Escape colons from IDs, such as those found in Markdown footnote links. target = target.replace(/:/g, '\\:'); // If target element exists, scroll to it taking into account fixed navigation bar offset. if ($(target).length) { $('body').addClass('scrolling'); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(target).offset().top - navbar_offset }, 600, function () { $('body').removeClass('scrolling'); }); } } // Make Scrollspy responsive. function fixScrollspy() { let $body = $('body'); let data = $body.data('bs.scrollspy'); if (data) { data._config.offset = navbar_offset; $body.data('bs.scrollspy', data); $body.scrollspy('refresh'); } } function removeQueryParamsFromUrl() { if (window.history.pushState) { let urlWithoutSearchParams = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + window.location.hash; window.history.pushState({ path: urlWithoutSearchParams }, '', urlWithoutSearchParams); } } // Check for hash change event and fix responsive offset for hash links (e.g. Markdown footnotes). window.addEventListener("hashchange", scrollToAnchor); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add smooth scrolling to all links inside the main navbar. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // animation scroll js var html_body = $('html, body'); $('nav a, .page-scroll').on('click', function () { //use page-scroll class in any HTML tag for scrolling if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') === this.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') && location.hostname === this.hostname) { var target = $(this.hash); target = target.length ? target : $('[name="' + this.hash.slice(1) + '"]'); if (target.length) { html_body.animate({ scrollTop: target.offset().top - navbar_offset }, 1500, 'easeInOutExpo'); return false; } } }); // easeInOutExpo Declaration jQuery.extend(jQuery.easing, { easeInOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if (t === 0) { return b; } if (t === d) { return b + c; } if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) { return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b; } return c / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b; } }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Hide mobile collapsable menu on clicking a link. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $(document).on('click', '.navbar-collapse.show', function (e) { //get the element that was clicked, even if the element that is inside the element is e.target let targetElement = $(e.target).is('a') ? $(e.target) : $(e.target).parent(); if (targetElement.is('a') && targetElement.attr('class') != 'dropdown-toggle') { $(this).collapse('hide'); } }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Filter publications. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Active publication filters. let pubFilters = {}; // Search term. let searchRegex; // Filter values (concatenated). let filterValues; // Publication container. let $grid_pubs = $('#container-publications'); // Initialise Isotope. $grid_pubs.isotope({ itemSelector: '.isotope-item', percentPosition: true, masonry: { // Use Bootstrap compatible grid layout. columnWidth: '.grid-sizer' }, filter: function () { let $this = $(this); let searchResults = searchRegex ? $this.text().match(searchRegex) : true; let filterResults = filterValues ? $this.is(filterValues) : true; return searchResults && filterResults; } }); // Filter by search term. let $quickSearch = $('.filter-search').keyup(debounce(function () { searchRegex = new RegExp($quickSearch.val(), 'gi'); $grid_pubs.isotope(); })); // Debounce input to prevent spamming filter requests. function debounce(fn, threshold) { let timeout; threshold = threshold || 100; return function debounced() { clearTimeout(timeout); let args = arguments; let _this = this; function delayed() { fn.apply(_this, args); } timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold); }; } // Flatten object by concatenating values. function concatValues(obj) { let value = ''; for (let prop in obj) { value += obj[prop]; } return value; } $('.pub-filters').on('change', function () { let $this = $(this); // Get group key. let filterGroup = $this[0].getAttribute('data-filter-group'); // Set filter for group. pubFilters[filterGroup] = this.value; // Combine filters. filterValues = concatValues(pubFilters); // Activate filters. $grid_pubs.isotope(); // If filtering by publication type, update the URL hash to enable direct linking to results. if (filterGroup == "pubtype") { // Set hash URL to current filter. let url = $(this).val(); if (url.substr(0, 9) == '.pubtype-') { window.location.hash = url.substr(9); } else { window.location.hash = ''; } } }); // Filter publications according to hash in URL. function filter_publications() { let urlHash = window.location.hash.replace('#', ''); let filterValue = '*'; // Check if hash is numeric. if (urlHash != '' && !isNaN(urlHash)) { filterValue = '.pubtype-' + urlHash; } // Set filter. let filterGroup = 'pubtype'; pubFilters[filterGroup] = filterValue; filterValues = concatValues(pubFilters); // Activate filters. $grid_pubs.isotope(); // Set selected option. $('.pubtype-select').val(filterValue); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Google Maps or OpenStreetMap via Leaflet. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function initMap() { if ($('#map').length) { let map_provider = $('#map-provider').val(); let lat = $('#map-lat').val(); let lng = $('#map-lng').val(); let zoom = parseInt($('#map-zoom').val()); let address = $('#map-dir').val(); let api_key = $('#map-api-key').val(); if (map_provider == 1) { let map = new GMaps({ div: '#map', lat: lat, lng: lng, zoom: zoom, zoomControl: true, zoomControlOpt: { style: 'SMALL', position: 'TOP_LEFT' }, panControl: false, streetViewControl: false, mapTypeControl: false, overviewMapControl: false, scrollwheel: true, draggable: true }); map.addMarker({ lat: lat, lng: lng, click: function (e) { let url = 'https://www.google.com/maps/place/' + encodeURIComponent(address) + '/@' + lat + ',' + lng + '/'; window.open(url, '_blank') }, title: address }) } else { let map = new L.map('map').setView([lat, lng], zoom); if (map_provider == 3 && api_key.length) { L.tileLayer('https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}', { attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox.streets', accessToken: api_key }).addTo(map); } else { L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { maxZoom: 19, attribution: '© OpenStreetMap' }).addTo(map); } let marker = L.marker([lat, lng]).addTo(map); let url = lat + ',' + lng + '#map=' + zoom + '/' + lat + '/' + lng + '&layers=N'; marker.bindPopup(address + '

Routing via OpenStreetMap

'); } } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GitHub API. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function printLatestRelease(selector, repo) { $.getJSON('https://api.github.com/repos/' + repo + '/tags').done(function (json) { let release = json[0]; $(selector).append(' ' + release.name); }).fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) { let err = textStatus + ", " + error; console.log("Request Failed: " + err); }); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Toggle search dialog. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function toggleSearchDialog() { if ($('body').hasClass('searching')) { $('[id=search-query]').blur(); $('body').removeClass('searching'); removeQueryParamsFromUrl(); } else { $('body').addClass('searching'); $('.search-results').css({ opacity: 0, visibility: 'visible' }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); $('#search-query').focus(); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Toggle day/night mode. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function toggleDarkMode(codeHlEnabled, codeHlLight, codeHlDark, diagramEnabled) { if ($('body').hasClass('dark')) { $('body').css({ opacity: 0, visibility: 'visible' }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500); $('body').removeClass('dark'); if (codeHlEnabled) { codeHlLight.disabled = false; codeHlDark.disabled = true; } $('.js-dark-toggle i').removeClass('fa-sun').addClass('fa-moon'); localStorage.setItem('dark_mode', '0'); if (diagramEnabled) { // TODO: Investigate Mermaid.js approach to re-render diagrams with new theme without reloading. location.reload(); } } else { $('body').css({ opacity: 0, visibility: 'visible' }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500); $('body').addClass('dark'); if (codeHlEnabled) { codeHlLight.disabled = true; codeHlDark.disabled = false; } $('.js-dark-toggle i').removeClass('fa-moon').addClass('fa-sun'); localStorage.setItem('dark_mode', '1'); if (diagramEnabled) { // TODO: Investigate Mermaid.js approach to re-render diagrams with new theme without reloading. location.reload(); } } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Normalize Bootstrap Carousel Slide Heights. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function normalizeCarouselSlideHeights() { $('.carousel').each(function () { // Get carousel slides. let items = $('.carousel-item', this); // Reset all slide heights. items.css('min-height', 0); // Normalize all slide heights. let maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, items.map(function () { return $(this).outerHeight() }).get()); items.css('min-height', maxHeight + 'px'); }) } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * On document ready. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $(document).ready(function () { // Fix Hugo's auto-generated Table of Contents. // Must be performed prior to initializing ScrollSpy. $('#TableOfContents > ul > li > ul').unwrap().unwrap(); $('#TableOfContents').addClass('nav flex-column'); $('#TableOfContents li').addClass('nav-item'); $('#TableOfContents li a').addClass('nav-link'); // Set dark mode if user chose it. let default_mode = 0; if ($('body').hasClass('dark')) { default_mode = 1; } let dark_mode = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('dark_mode') || default_mode); // Is code highlighting enabled in site config? const codeHlEnabled = $('link[title=hl-light]').length > 0; const codeHlLight = $('link[title=hl-light]')[0]; const codeHlDark = $('link[title=hl-dark]')[0]; const diagramEnabled = $('script[title=mermaid]').length > 0; if (dark_mode) { $('body').addClass('dark'); if (codeHlEnabled) { codeHlLight.disabled = true; codeHlDark.disabled = false; } if (diagramEnabled) { mermaid.initialize({ theme: 'dark' }); } $('.js-dark-toggle i').removeClass('fa-moon').addClass('fa-sun'); } else { $('body').removeClass('dark'); if (codeHlEnabled) { codeHlLight.disabled = false; codeHlDark.disabled = true; } if (diagramEnabled) { mermaid.initialize({ theme: 'default' }); } $('.js-dark-toggle i').removeClass('fa-sun').addClass('fa-moon'); } // Toggle day/night mode. $('.js-dark-toggle').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); toggleDarkMode(codeHlEnabled, codeHlLight, codeHlDark, diagramEnabled); }); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * On window loaded. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $(window).on('load', function () { if (window.location.hash) { // When accessing homepage from another page and `#top` hash is set, show top of page (no hash). if (window.location.hash == "#top") { window.location.hash = "" } else if (!$('.projects-container').length) { // If URL contains a hash and there are no dynamically loaded images on the page, // immediately scroll to target ID taking into account responsive offset. // Otherwise, wait for `imagesLoaded()` to complete before scrolling to hash to prevent scrolling to wrong // location. scrollToAnchor(); } } // Initialize Scrollspy. let $body = $('body'); $body.scrollspy({ offset: navbar_offset }); // Call `fixScrollspy` when window is resized. let resizeTimer; $(window).resize(function () { clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(fixScrollspy, 200); }); // Filter projects. $('.projects-container').each(function (index, container) { let $container = $(container); let $section = $container.closest('section'); let layout; if ($section.find('.isotope').hasClass('js-layout-row')) { layout = 'fitRows'; } else { layout = 'masonry'; } $container.imagesLoaded(function () { // Initialize Isotope after all images have loaded. $container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.isotope-item', layoutMode: layout, masonry: { gutter: 20 }, filter: $section.find('.default-project-filter').text() }); // Filter items when filter link is clicked. $section.find('.project-filters a').click(function () { let selector = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $container.isotope({ filter: selector }); $(this).removeClass('active').addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active all'); return false; }); // If window hash is set, scroll to hash. // Placing this within `imagesLoaded` prevents scrolling to the wrong location due to dynamic image loading // affecting page layout and position of the target anchor ID. // Note: If there are multiple project widgets on a page, ideally only perform this once after images // from *all* project widgets have finished loading. if (window.location.hash) { scrollToAnchor(); } }); }); // Enable publication filter for publication index page. if ($('.pub-filters-select')) { filter_publications(); // Useful for changing hash manually (e.g. in development): // window.addEventListener('hashchange', filter_publications, false); } // Load citation modal on 'Cite' click. $('.js-cite-modal').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let filename = $(this).attr('data-filename'); let modal = $('#modal'); modal.find('.modal-body code').load(filename, function (response, status, xhr) { if (status == 'error') { let msg = "Error: "; $('#modal-error').html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); } else { $('.js-download-cite').attr('href', filename); } }); modal.modal('show'); }); // Copy citation text on 'Copy' click. $('.js-copy-cite').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Get selection. let range = document.createRange(); let code_node = document.querySelector('#modal .modal-body'); range.selectNode(code_node); window.getSelection().addRange(range); try { // Execute the copy command. document.execCommand('copy'); } catch (e) { console.log('Error: citation copy failed.'); } // Remove selection. window.getSelection().removeRange(range); }); // Initialise Google Maps if necessary. initMap(); // Print latest version of GitHub projects. let githubReleaseSelector = '.js-github-release'; if ($(githubReleaseSelector).length > 0) printLatestRelease(githubReleaseSelector, $(githubReleaseSelector).data('repo')); // On search icon click toggle search dialog. $('.js-search').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); toggleSearchDialog(); }); $(document).on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.which == 27) { // `Esc` key pressed. if ($('body').hasClass('searching')) { toggleSearchDialog(); } } else if (e.which == 191 && e.shiftKey == false && !$('input,textarea').is(':focus')) { // `/` key pressed outside of text input. e.preventDefault(); toggleSearchDialog(); } }); }); // Normalize Bootstrap carousel slide heights. $(window).on('load resize orientationchange', normalizeCarouselSlideHeights); })(jQuery);