import { ensureFile } from '@std/fs' import { ZipReaderStream } from '@zip-js/zip-js' import config from '../config.json' with { type: 'json' } const imageName = './dist/rpi_os.img' await ensureFile(imageName) const image = await, { create: true, write: true }) console.log( `%c[setup:image]%c getting img from %c${config.image.url}`, 'color: royalblue; font-weight: bold', '', 'text-decoration: underline', ) const archive = await fetch(config.image.url) if (archive.ok && archive.body) { console.log( `%c[setup:image]%c img found`, 'color: green; font-weight: bold', '', ) } else { console.error( `%c[setup:image]%c no img found or server doesn't respond with 200`, 'color: red; font-weight: bold', '', ) Deno.exit(1) } console.log( `%c[setup:image]%c decompressing archive`, 'color: royalblue; font-weight: bold', '', ) let imgInArchive = false for await (const file of archive.body.pipeThrough(new ZipReaderStream())) { if (file.filename.endsWith('.img')) { imgInArchive = true console.log( `%c[setup:image]%c found img file %c${file.filename}`, 'color: green; font-weight: bold', '', 'text-decoration: underline', ) console.log( `%c[setup:image]%c writing file to %c${imageName}`, 'color: royalblue; font-weight: bold', '', 'text-decoration: underline', ) await file.readable?.pipeTo(image.writable) break } } if (!imgInArchive) { console.error( `%c[setup:image]%c no img found in archive`, 'color: red; font-weight: bold', '', ) Deno.exit(2) }