2022-03-25 13:55:14 +01:00

43 lines
1,019 B

baseURL = "/portfolios/tutoriel/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = ""
disableKinds = ["sitemap", "RSS"]
theme = "reveal-hugo"
# uncomment for browsing at file:///
# relativeURLs = true
# uglyURLs = true
name = "Portfolios étudiants sous Licence Libre"
# currently only the unsafe mode for goldmark is supported
unsafe = true
# choose between Hugo compile-time or Highlight.js
# syntax highlighting for code inside of code fences
codeFences = false # use highlight.js
# codeFences = true # use hugo highlighting at compile time
style = "tango" # set a style for hugo highlighting
baseName = "index"
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slide_number = true
transition_speed = 'fast'
# used in content/template-example
background = "#424242"
transition = "convex"