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<title>getRepoUrl - Portfolio Sever documentation</title>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.76748 11.8159C5.5378 11.577 5.54525 11.1972 5.78411 10.9675L8.93431 8L5.78411 5.0325C5.54525 4.80282 5.5378 4.423 5.76748 4.18413C5.99715 3.94527 6.37698 3.93782 6.61584 4.1675L10.2158 7.5675C10.3335 7.68062 10.4 7.83679 10.4 8C10.4 8.16321 10.3335 8.31938 10.2158 8.4325L6.61584 11.8325C6.37698 12.0622 5.99715 12.0547 5.76748 11.8159Z" fill="currentColor" />
</span><li><a href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;.&#x2F;url_utils.ts&#x2F;~&#x2F;index.html" class="contextLink">url_utils.ts</a></li><span class="text-[#0F172A]"><svg
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.76748 11.8159C5.5378 11.577 5.54525 11.1972 5.78411 10.9675L8.93431 8L5.78411 5.0325C5.54525 4.80282 5.5378 4.423 5.76748 4.18413C5.99715 3.94527 6.37698 3.93782 6.61584 4.1675L10.2158 7.5675C10.3335 7.68062 10.4 7.83679 10.4 8C10.4 8.16321 10.3335 8.31938 10.2158 8.4325L6.61584 11.8325C6.37698 12.0622 5.99715 12.0547 5.76748 11.8159Z" fill="currentColor" />
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<div id="content"><main class="symbolGroup" id="symbol_getRepoUrl"><article>
<div class="text-xl leading-none break-all">
<span class="text-Function">function</span>&nbsp;<span class="font-bold">getRepoUrl</span>
class="context_button relative mr-2"
viewBox="0 0 14 14"
d="M3.16675 12.6667H11.3334C11.6428 12.6667 11.9396 12.5438 12.1584 12.325C12.3772 12.1062 12.5001 11.8094 12.5001 11.5V4.20834L9.29175 1H4.33342C4.024 1 3.72725 1.12292 3.50846 1.34171C3.28966 1.5605 3.16675 1.85725 3.16675 2.16667V4.5"
d="M6.08334 10.3333L7.83334 8.58334L6.08334 6.83334M3.75 6.83334L2 8.58334L3.75 10.3333M9.00001 1V4.5H12.5L9.00001 1Z"
</div><div><style scoped>
#function_getRepoUrl_0 {
display: none;
#function_getRepoUrl_0:checked ~ *:last-child > :not(#function_getRepoUrl_0_div) {
display: none;
#function_getRepoUrl_0:checked ~ div:first-of-type > label[for='function_getRepoUrl_0'] {
background-color: var(--ddoc-selection-selected-bg);
border: solid var(--ddoc-selection-border-width) var(--ddoc-selection-selected-border-color);
cursor: unset;
padding: var(--ddoc-selection-padding); /* 1px less to counter the increased border */
<input type="radio" name="function_getRepoUrl" id="function_getRepoUrl_0" checked /><div class="space-y-2"><label for="function_getRepoUrl_0" class="functionOverload"><code class="text-sm break-words">
<span class="font-bold">getRepoUrl</span><span class="font-medium">(<span><span>user<span>: <a href="../.././user_utils.ts/~/User.html" class="link">User</a></span></span></span>)<span>: <a href="https://deno.land/api@1.44.0?s=URL" class="link">URL</a></span> </span>
<div class="mt-3"><div class="space-y-7" id="function_getRepoUrl_0_div"><div class="markdown"><p>Get raw files repository base url.</p>
</div><section class="section" id="examples-1">
<h2 class="anchorable mb-1"><a href="#examples-1" class="anchor" aria-label="Anchor" tabIndex="-1"><svg
viewBox="0 0 14 14"
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_1081_1237)">
d="M6.80328 2.8656C6.68736 2.99 6.62425 3.15454 6.62725 3.32456C6.63025 3.49457 6.69913 3.65678 6.81936 3.77702C6.9396 3.89725 7.10181 3.96613 7.27182 3.96913C7.44184 3.97213 7.60638 3.90902 7.73078 3.7931L8.82453 2.69935C8.98712 2.53676 9.18015 2.40778 9.39259 2.31978C9.60503 2.23179 9.83272 2.1865 10.0627 2.1865C10.2926 2.1865 10.5203 2.23179 10.7327 2.31978C10.9452 2.40778 11.1382 2.53676 11.3008 2.69935C11.4634 2.86194 11.5923 3.05497 11.6803 3.2674C11.7683 3.47984 11.8136 3.70753 11.8136 3.93747C11.8136 4.16741 11.7683 4.3951 11.6803 4.60754C11.5923 4.81998 11.4634 5.013 11.3008 5.1756L9.11328 7.3631C8.95075 7.52581 8.75775 7.65488 8.5453 7.74295C8.33285 7.83102 8.10513 7.87635 7.87516 7.87635C7.64518 7.87635 7.41746 7.83102 7.20501 7.74295C6.99256 7.65488 6.79956 7.52581 6.63703 7.3631C6.51263 7.24718 6.34809 7.18407 6.17807 7.18707C6.00806 7.19007 5.84585 7.25894 5.72561 7.37918C5.60538 7.49942 5.5365 7.66163 5.5335 7.83164C5.5305 8.00165 5.59361 8.1662 5.70953 8.2906C5.99391 8.57501 6.33154 8.80062 6.70312 8.95455C7.0747 9.10847 7.47296 9.18769 7.87516 9.18769C8.27736 9.18769 8.67562 9.10847 9.0472 8.95455C9.41878 8.80062 9.7564 8.57501 10.0408 8.2906L12.2283 6.1031C12.8026 5.52874 13.1253 4.74974 13.1253 3.93747C13.1253 3.12521 12.8026 2.34621 12.2283 1.77185C11.6539 1.19749 10.8749 0.874817 10.0627 0.874817C9.25039 0.874817 8.47139 1.19749 7.89703 1.77185L6.80328 2.8656ZM2.69953 11.3006C2.53682 11.1381 2.40774 10.9451 2.31968 10.7326C2.23161 10.5202 2.18628 10.2924 2.18628 10.0625C2.18628 9.8325 2.23161 9.60477 2.31968 9.39233C2.40774 9.17988 2.53682 8.98688 2.69953 8.82435L4.88703 6.63685C5.04956 6.47414 5.24256 6.34506 5.45501 6.25699C5.66746 6.16893 5.89518 6.1236 6.12516 6.1236C6.35513 6.1236 6.58285 6.16893 6.7953 6.25699C7.00775 6.34506 7.20075 6.47414 7.36328 6.63685C7.48768 6.75277 7.65223 6.81588 7.82224 6.81288C7.99225 6.80988 8.15446 6.741 8.2747 6.62077C8.39494 6.50053 8.46381 6.33832 8.46681 6.1683C8.46981 5.99829 8.4067 5.83375 8.29078 5.70935C8.0064 5.42494 7.66878 5.19933 7.2972 5.0454C6.92562 4.89148 6.52736 4.81225 6.12516 4.81225C5.72296 4.81225 5.3247 4.89148 4.95312 5.0454C4.58154 5.19933 4.24391 5.42494 3.95953 5.70935L1.77203 7.89685C1.19767 8.47121 0.875 9.25021 0.875 10.0625C0.875 10.8747 1.19767 11.6537 1.77203 12.2281C2.34639 12.8025 3.12539 13.1251 3.93766 13.1251C4.74992 13.1251 5.52892 12.8025 6.10328 12.2281L7.19703 11.1343C7.31295 11.0099 7.37606 10.8454 7.37306 10.6754C7.37006 10.5054 7.30119 10.3432 7.18095 10.2229C7.06071 10.1027 6.8985 10.0338 6.72849 10.0308C6.55848 10.0278 6.39393 10.0909 6.26953 10.2068L5.17578 11.3006C5.01325 11.4633 4.82025 11.5924 4.6078 11.6805C4.39535 11.7685 4.16763 11.8138 3.93766 11.8138C3.70768 11.8138 3.47996 11.7685 3.26751 11.6805C3.05506 11.5924 2.86206 11.4633 2.69953 11.3006Z"
<clipPath id="clip0_1081_1237">
<rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" />
Examples</h2></div><div class="mt-2 space-y-2"><div class="anchorable example"><a href="#example_0" class="anchor" aria-label="Anchor" tabIndex="-1"><svg
viewBox="0 0 14 14"
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_1081_1237)">
d="M6.80328 2.8656C6.68736 2.99 6.62425 3.15454 6.62725 3.32456C6.63025 3.49457 6.69913 3.65678 6.81936 3.77702C6.9396 3.89725 7.10181 3.96613 7.27182 3.96913C7.44184 3.97213 7.60638 3.90902 7.73078 3.7931L8.82453 2.69935C8.98712 2.53676 9.18015 2.40778 9.39259 2.31978C9.60503 2.23179 9.83272 2.1865 10.0627 2.1865C10.2926 2.1865 10.5203 2.23179 10.7327 2.31978C10.9452 2.40778 11.1382 2.53676 11.3008 2.69935C11.4634 2.86194 11.5923 3.05497 11.6803 3.2674C11.7683 3.47984 11.8136 3.70753 11.8136 3.93747C11.8136 4.16741 11.7683 4.3951 11.6803 4.60754C11.5923 4.81998 11.4634 5.013 11.3008 5.1756L9.11328 7.3631C8.95075 7.52581 8.75775 7.65488 8.5453 7.74295C8.33285 7.83102 8.10513 7.87635 7.87516 7.87635C7.64518 7.87635 7.41746 7.83102 7.20501 7.74295C6.99256 7.65488 6.79956 7.52581 6.63703 7.3631C6.51263 7.24718 6.34809 7.18407 6.17807 7.18707C6.00806 7.19007 5.84585 7.25894 5.72561 7.37918C5.60538 7.49942 5.5365 7.66163 5.5335 7.83164C5.5305 8.00165 5.59361 8.1662 5.70953 8.2906C5.99391 8.57501 6.33154 8.80062 6.70312 8.95455C7.0747 9.10847 7.47296 9.18769 7.87516 9.18769C8.27736 9.18769 8.67562 9.10847 9.0472 8.95455C9.41878 8.80062 9.7564 8.57501 10.0408 8.2906L12.2283 6.1031C12.8026 5.52874 13.1253 4.74974 13.1253 3.93747C13.1253 3.12521 12.8026 2.34621 12.2283 1.77185C11.6539 1.19749 10.8749 0.874817 10.0627 0.874817C9.25039 0.874817 8.47139 1.19749 7.89703 1.77185L6.80328 2.8656ZM2.69953 11.3006C2.53682 11.1381 2.40774 10.9451 2.31968 10.7326C2.23161 10.5202 2.18628 10.2924 2.18628 10.0625C2.18628 9.8325 2.23161 9.60477 2.31968 9.39233C2.40774 9.17988 2.53682 8.98688 2.69953 8.82435L4.88703 6.63685C5.04956 6.47414 5.24256 6.34506 5.45501 6.25699C5.66746 6.16893 5.89518 6.1236 6.12516 6.1236C6.35513 6.1236 6.58285 6.16893 6.7953 6.25699C7.00775 6.34506 7.20075 6.47414 7.36328 6.63685C7.48768 6.75277 7.65223 6.81588 7.82224 6.81288C7.99225 6.80988 8.15446 6.741 8.2747 6.62077C8.39494 6.50053 8.46381 6.33832 8.46681 6.1683C8.46981 5.99829 8.4067 5.83375 8.29078 5.70935C8.0064 5.42494 7.66878 5.19933 7.2972 5.0454C6.92562 4.89148 6.52736 4.81225 6.12516 4.81225C5.72296 4.81225 5.3247 4.89148 4.95312 5.0454C4.58154 5.19933 4.24391 5.42494 3.95953 5.70935L1.77203 7.89685C1.19767 8.47121 0.875 9.25021 0.875 10.0625C0.875 10.8747 1.19767 11.6537 1.77203 12.2281C2.34639 12.8025 3.12539 13.1251 3.93766 13.1251C4.74992 13.1251 5.52892 12.8025 6.10328 12.2281L7.19703 11.1343C7.31295 11.0099 7.37606 10.8454 7.37306 10.6754C7.37006 10.5054 7.30119 10.3432 7.18095 10.2229C7.06071 10.1027 6.8985 10.0338 6.72849 10.0308C6.55848 10.0278 6.39393 10.0909 6.26953 10.2068L5.17578 11.3006C5.01325 11.4633 4.82025 11.5924 4.6078 11.6805C4.39535 11.7685 4.16763 11.8138 3.93766 11.8138C3.70768 11.8138 3.47996 11.7685 3.26751 11.6805C3.05506 11.5924 2.86206 11.4633 2.69953 11.3006Z"
<clipPath id="clip0_1081_1237">
<rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" />
<details id="example_0" open>
<div>&#x25B6;</div><div class="markdown_summary"><p>Example 1</p>
<div><div class="markdown"><pre class="highlight"><code><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">import </span><span style="color:#323232;">{ getRepoUrl } </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">from </span><span style="color:#183691;">'./url_utils.ts'
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">const </span><span style="color:#0086b3;">repoUrl </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">= </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#795da3;">getRepoUrl</span><span style="color:#323232;">(</span><span style="color:#183691;">'john.doe'</span><span style="color:#323232;">)
</span><span style="color:#0086b3;">console</span><span style="color:#323232;">.</span><span style="color:#62a35c;">assert</span><span style="color:#323232;">(repoUrl.href </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">=== </span><span style="color:#183691;">'https://git.cohabit.fr/john.doe/.portfolio/raw/branch/main/'</span><span style="color:#323232;">)
</span></code><button class="context_button" data-copy="import { getRepoUrl } from './url_utils.ts'
const repoUrl = getRepoUrl('john.doe')
console.assert(repoUrl.href === 'https://git.cohabit.fr/john.doe/.portfolio/raw/branch/main/')
"><svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<rect x="2" y="2" width="7" height="7" fill="none"></rect>
<rect x="6" y="6" width="7" height="7" fill="none"></rect>
<path d="M1.55566 2.7C1.55566 2.03726 2.09292 1.5 2.75566 1.5H8.75566C9.41841 1.5 9.95566 2.03726 9.95566 2.7V5.1H12.3557C13.0184 5.1 13.5557 5.63726 13.5557 6.3V12.3C13.5557 12.9627 13.0184 13.5 12.3557 13.5H6.35566C5.69292 13.5 5.15566 12.9627 5.15566 12.3V9.9H2.75566C2.09292 9.9 1.55566 9.36274 1.55566 8.7V2.7ZM6.35566 9.9V12.3H12.3557V6.3H9.95566V8.7C9.95566 9.36274 9.41841 9.9 8.75566 9.9H6.35566ZM8.75566 8.7V2.7H2.75566V8.7H8.75566Z" fill="#232323"></path>
<section class="section" id="parameters">
<h2 class="anchorable mb-1"><a href="#parameters" class="anchor" aria-label="Anchor" tabIndex="-1"><svg
viewBox="0 0 14 14"
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_1081_1237)">
d="M6.80328 2.8656C6.68736 2.99 6.62425 3.15454 6.62725 3.32456C6.63025 3.49457 6.69913 3.65678 6.81936 3.77702C6.9396 3.89725 7.10181 3.96613 7.27182 3.96913C7.44184 3.97213 7.60638 3.90902 7.73078 3.7931L8.82453 2.69935C8.98712 2.53676 9.18015 2.40778 9.39259 2.31978C9.60503 2.23179 9.83272 2.1865 10.0627 2.1865C10.2926 2.1865 10.5203 2.23179 10.7327 2.31978C10.9452 2.40778 11.1382 2.53676 11.3008 2.69935C11.4634 2.86194 11.5923 3.05497 11.6803 3.2674C11.7683 3.47984 11.8136 3.70753 11.8136 3.93747C11.8136 4.16741 11.7683 4.3951 11.6803 4.60754C11.5923 4.81998 11.4634 5.013 11.3008 5.1756L9.11328 7.3631C8.95075 7.52581 8.75775 7.65488 8.5453 7.74295C8.33285 7.83102 8.10513 7.87635 7.87516 7.87635C7.64518 7.87635 7.41746 7.83102 7.20501 7.74295C6.99256 7.65488 6.79956 7.52581 6.63703 7.3631C6.51263 7.24718 6.34809 7.18407 6.17807 7.18707C6.00806 7.19007 5.84585 7.25894 5.72561 7.37918C5.60538 7.49942 5.5365 7.66163 5.5335 7.83164C5.5305 8.00165 5.59361 8.1662 5.70953 8.2906C5.99391 8.57501 6.33154 8.80062 6.70312 8.95455C7.0747 9.10847 7.47296 9.18769 7.87516 9.18769C8.27736 9.18769 8.67562 9.10847 9.0472 8.95455C9.41878 8.80062 9.7564 8.57501 10.0408 8.2906L12.2283 6.1031C12.8026 5.52874 13.1253 4.74974 13.1253 3.93747C13.1253 3.12521 12.8026 2.34621 12.2283 1.77185C11.6539 1.19749 10.8749 0.874817 10.0627 0.874817C9.25039 0.874817 8.47139 1.19749 7.89703 1.77185L6.80328 2.8656ZM2.69953 11.3006C2.53682 11.1381 2.40774 10.9451 2.31968 10.7326C2.23161 10.5202 2.18628 10.2924 2.18628 10.0625C2.18628 9.8325 2.23161 9.60477 2.31968 9.39233C2.40774 9.17988 2.53682 8.98688 2.69953 8.82435L4.88703 6.63685C5.04956 6.47414 5.24256 6.34506 5.45501 6.25699C5.66746 6.16893 5.89518 6.1236 6.12516 6.1236C6.35513 6.1236 6.58285 6.16893 6.7953 6.25699C7.00775 6.34506 7.20075 6.47414 7.36328 6.63685C7.48768 6.75277 7.65223 6.81588 7.82224 6.81288C7.99225 6.80988 8.15446 6.741 8.2747 6.62077C8.39494 6.50053 8.46381 6.33832 8.46681 6.1683C8.46981 5.99829 8.4067 5.83375 8.29078 5.70935C8.0064 5.42494 7.66878 5.19933 7.2972 5.0454C6.92562 4.89148 6.52736 4.81225 6.12516 4.81225C5.72296 4.81225 5.3247 4.89148 4.95312 5.0454C4.58154 5.19933 4.24391 5.42494 3.95953 5.70935L1.77203 7.89685C1.19767 8.47121 0.875 9.25021 0.875 10.0625C0.875 10.8747 1.19767 11.6537 1.77203 12.2281C2.34639 12.8025 3.12539 13.1251 3.93766 13.1251C4.74992 13.1251 5.52892 12.8025 6.10328 12.2281L7.19703 11.1343C7.31295 11.0099 7.37606 10.8454 7.37306 10.6754C7.37006 10.5054 7.30119 10.3432 7.18095 10.2229C7.06071 10.1027 6.8985 10.0338 6.72849 10.0308C6.55848 10.0278 6.39393 10.0909 6.26953 10.2068L5.17578 11.3006C5.01325 11.4633 4.82025 11.5924 4.6078 11.6805C4.39535 11.7685 4.16763 11.8138 3.93766 11.8138C3.70768 11.8138 3.47996 11.7685 3.26751 11.6805C3.05506 11.5924 2.86206 11.4633 2.69953 11.3006Z"
<clipPath id="clip0_1081_1237">
<rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" />
Parameters</h2></div><div class="mt-2 space-y-2"><div class="anchorable docEntry" id="function_getRepoUrl_0_parameters_user"><a href="#function_getRepoUrl_0_parameters_user" class="anchor" aria-label="Anchor" tabIndex="-1"><svg
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