# Coh@mail

Mail cli for Coh@bit.

> Early preview Much more to come, stay up to date

## Installation

### From [jsr](https://jsr.io)

deno install \
  --allow-read \
  --allow-env \
  --allow-net= \
  --allow-sys=osRelease,networkInterfaces \
  --allow-run=/usr/sbin/sendmail,whoami \
  --global --force --name=cohamail jsr:@cohabit/mailer/cli

### From sources

> Currently bin manually added to [releases](./releases) tab. Prefer `git clone`
> and [deno](https://deno.land) to use latest version.

## Basic usage

- From deno
  cd ./cohabit_mail
  deno task cli -h
  deno task <subcommand> -h

- From bin
  ./cohamail -h
  # OR
  ./cohamail <subcommand> -h

## Configuration

You can override default config and templates with your own in