import { exists } from '@std/fs/exists'
import type { JSX } from 'preact'
import { EnumType } from '@cliffy/command'
import type { Template } from '../types.ts'
import * as defaultTemplates from '../templates/mod.ts'

export const templates: Map<
		(props: Record<string, unknown>) => JSX.Element,
		Record<string, unknown>
> = new Map()

//Load default templates
for (const template of Object.values(defaultTemplates)) {
	//@ts-expect-error types are checked at runtime later
	templates.set(, template)

//Load local templates
const basePath = '/etc/cohabit/mailer'

if (await exists(basePath)) {
	for await (const template of Deno.readDir(basePath)) {
		if (!template.isFile) continue
		if (!'.tsx')) continue
		if ('_')) continue

		const mod = await import(`${basePath}/${}`).catch(
		templates.set(, mod.default)

function checkFsErrors(error: Error) {
	if (error instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) {
		throw new Error(
			'unable to load config file due to read access permissions issues',
				cause: error,
	throw error

export const templateType = new EnumType([...templates.keys()])