Short-cute VimsCode : <F2> launch a vim note <F3> launch the folder tree where you are <F4> launch the change history <F5> launch a terminal at the bottom <F6> scroll through terminal <F7> launch a help site for vim and terminal <F8> created a new vim tab <F9> navigates between vim tabs Help for cli : pio access grant # Add the ability of users and teams to have “LEVEL” access to a resource. list # Show all of the resources (packages) a user or a team can access, along with the access level. private # Set a resource to be either privately accessible (restricted access to particular users or team members). public # Set a resource to be either publicly accessible. revoke # Remove the ability of users and teams to have access to a resource. pio boards # List pre-configured Embedded Boards. pio check # Perform static analysis check on PlatformIO based project. pio debug # Prepare PlatformIO project for debugging or launch debug server. pio device list # List available devices. monitor # This is a console application that provides a small terminal application. pio home # Launch PlatformIO Home Web-server. pio org add # Add a user as an owner to an organization. create # Create a new organization. destroy # Destroy an organization and its teams. list # List organizations and their owners. remove # Remove a user from an organization. update # Rename the organization or update the existing details. pio pkg exec # Run command from a PlatformIO package. install # Install the project dependencies or custom packages from the PlatformIO Registry or external sources. list # Print to stdout installed packages and their dependencies in a tree structure based on project dependencies declared in “platformio.ini” outdated # Check for outdated project packages and list version information for all dependencies. pack # Create a tarball from a package. publich # Publish a package to the PlatformIO Registry so that it can be installed by name. search # Search the PlatformIO Registry for packages matching the search query. show # Show package information from the PlatformIO Registry. uninstall # Uninstall the project dependencies or custom packages from the PlatformIO Registry or external sources. unpublish # This removes a package version from the registry, deleting its entry and removing the tarball. update # Update the project dependencies, custom packages from the PlatformIO Registry, or external sources. pio platform frameworks # List supported Frameworks (SDKs, etc). install # Install Development Platforms and dependent packages. list # List installed Development Platforms. search # Search for development Development Platforms. show # Show details about Development Platforms. uninstall # Uninstall specified Development Platforms. update # Check or update installed Development Platforms. pio project config # Show project computed configuration based on “platformio.ini”. init # Initialize a new PlatformIO based project or update existing with new data. metadata # Dump a build metadata intended for IDE extensions/plugins. pio remote device list # List Serial Ports on remote machines where PlatformIO Remote Agent is started. device monitor # Connect to Serial Port of remote device and receive or send data in real time. run # Process environments which are defined in “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) file remotely. agent list # List active PlatformIO Remote Agent s started using own PlatformIO Account. agent start # Start PlatformIO Remote Agent and work remotely with your devices from anywhere in the world. test # Run remotely tests from PlatformIO based project. update # Check or update installed Development Platforms and global Libraries on the remote machine. pio run # Run project targets over environments declared in “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File). pio settings get # Get/List existing settings. set # Set new value for the setting. reset # Reset settings to default. pio system completion install # Install tab completion support for: bash, zsh, fish. completion uninstall # Uninstall shell completion files or code for: bash, zsh, fish. info # Display PlatformIO system-wide information. prune # Remove unused data pio test # Run project tests on host (local) machine using PlatformIO Unit Testing. pio update # Check or upgrade PlatformIO Core to the latest version. pio upgrade # Check or update installed PlatformIO Core packages, Development Platforms and global Libraries. For more information on the above orders: