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2023-07-11 16:43:17 +02:00
Short-cute VimsCode :
<F2> launch a vim note
<F3> launch the folder tree where you are
<F4> launch the change history
<F5> launch a terminal at the bottom
<F6> scroll through terminal
<F7> launch a help site for vim and terminal
<F8> created a new vim tab
<F9> navigates between vim tabs
Help for arduino:
arduino-cli board # Displays the arduino controls
attach # Attach a project to a map
details # Displays details on the map
list # Lists the connected cards
listall # Lists all known maps and their FQBN correspondence
search # Search the map in the map getionaires
arduino-cli burn-bootloader # Downloads the bootloader
arduino-cli cache clean # Clear cache
arduino-cli compile # Compiles the program on the board
arduino-cli config # Allows to have the arduino configuration controls
add # Adds another value to a setting
delete # Deletes a parameter and these sub-parameters
dump # Displays current settings
init # Creates a project
remove # Removes one or more values from a parameter
set # Sets a value to a parameter
arduino-cli core # Allows operations on the arduino heart
download # Download one or more hearts and all dependent tools
install # Installs one or more cores and all dependent tools
list # Displays the list of installed platforms
search # Look for a heart in the card manager
uninstall # Uninstall one or more cores and all dependent tools
update-index # Updates the heart index
upgrade # Updates one or more platforms
arduino-cli debug # Allows debug
arduino-cli help # Displays arduino help
arduino-cli lib # Allows to display the list of apropos library commands
deps # Looks at the status of a dependency for a specific library
download # Download one or more libraries without installing it
examples # Displays library examples
install # Install one or more libraries in the system
list # Displays installed libraries
search # Search for one or more library data
uninstall # Uninstall one or more libraries
update-index # Updates the library index
upgrade # Updates all installed libraries
arduino-cli monitor # Opens a communication port with card
arduino-cli monitor -p /dev/ttyaCM0 --describe # Example
--board-options strings # Lists options
--config strings or -c # Configure a port
--describe # Displays all communication port settings
--discovery-timeout "duration" # Lets you choose the time to discover a port
--fqbn string or -b # Change the card name
--help or -h # Display help
--port string or -p # Change port address
--protocol string or -l # Change protocol
--quiet or -q # Displays only input and output monitor
arduino-cli outdated # Lists hearts and libraries that can be updated
arduino-cli sketch # Create/archive an arduino project
archive # Create a project archive
new # Create a new project
arduino-cli update # Updates the index of hearts and libraries
arduino-cli upgrade # Updates installed cores and libraries
arduino-cli upload # Download an arduino project
arduino-cli version # Displays the arduino-cli version
Valid additional arguments for all commands above:
--config-file string # Allows you to choose a custom configuration file
--format string # Lets you choose the format to output logs
--log-file string # Lets you choose where the logs are stored
--verbose or -v # Provides more information
Example of simple use:
# To connect new indexes download
arduino-cli core update-index
# To list all connected boards
arduino-cli board list
# To install a core, an example with samd but you can do it with avr (to know how to look at the FQBN of the card)
arduino-cli core install arduino:samd
# To see the installed cores
arduino-cli core list
# To compile
arduino-cli compile --fqbn "FQBN of the card" "file name"
arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:samd:mkr1000 MyFirstSketch # Example
# To upload
arduino-cli upload -p/dev/ttyACM0 --fqbn "FQBN of the card" "file name"